If Barbie were an actual woman, "her narrow hips and concave stomach would lack the 17 to 22 percent body fat required for a woman to have regular periods." -- M.G. Lord, Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll, 1994.
"The majority of people getting plastic surgery are of the younger generation. People between the ages of 19-34 had nearly 2 million cosmetic procedures, and 24 percent of all procedures. The most popular surgical procedure in this age group was breast augmentation, 54 percent of the breast augmentation total (The Growing Trend of Ethnic Plastic Surgery)... The Food and Drug Administration lists 25 complications, including pain, inflammation, calcification, chest wall deformity, toxic shock syndrome, wrinkling and scarring. Most patients later have to have second or even third operations because the implants do things like move or break open. The surgery can later interfere with mammography, increasing the chance that a tumor will go undetected. And women who have the surgery are less likely to have enough milk breast-feeding. The FDA says about 40 percent of augmentation patients have at least one serious complication within three years." -- Research by Heather Horvath
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