Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wal-Mart, Low Wages, Low Morals, By Casey Chapman

Wal-Mart is..."promoting themselves to low-income people. That's who they lure. They don't lure the rich...they understand the economy of America. They know the haves and the have-nots. They don't put Wal-Mart in the Piedmonts. They don't put Wal-Mart in those high-end parts of the community. They plant themselves in the middle of Poorville." WWW.WatchWalmart.Com

Interestingly, if the Walton family were to give back one percent of their company's $9 billion annual profits, insurance coverage could be provided at no cost to all employees.


S. Anderson, "Wal-Mart's pay gap," Institute for Policy Studies 2005

A. Dube & K. Jacobs, "Hidden Cost of Wal-Mart jobs," UC Berkeley Labor Center August 2, 2004.

B. Quinn, How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and the World and What You Can Do About It, 2000.

1 comment:

TimothyPeacock said...

Why should any company be forced to offer health insurance to employees?